Marc Kaptein | Pfizer

Marc Kaptein combines his former experience as a practicing physician with deep knowledge of research and development of innovative drugs and vaccines to ensure these innovations ultimately reach patients in need.Marc  studied medicine at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. After graduating he practiced in the field of gynecology and obstetrics in Haarlem and Utrecht. He started his career in the innovative pharmaceutical sector with Organon, a women’s health focused company, where he fulfilled various medical and marketing roles in the Netherlands and the United States. After his return to the Netherlands in 2007 he joined Eli Lilly and start-up MyTomorrows with ever growing responsibilities. He started his current position as Medical Director at Pfizer in 2016. 

Pfizer is a US based pharmaceutical company with 88.000 employees worldwide solely focused on developing innovative drugs and vaccines. Pfizer strives to bring breakthroughs to patients in the field of rare diseases, oncology, infectious diseases, auto-immune disease & inflammation, cardiovascular and metabolic disease and pain.  

During the corona crisis he played an instrumental role in the roll-out of Pfizer/BioNTech’s corona vaccine. In his capacity as senior medical voice of the company he aims to reduce vaccination hesitancy by being a transparent source of knowledge about the development of the vaccine, it’s safety, efficacy and manufacturing. 

Next to his job Marc serves on the board of biotech association HollandBIO, is a member of the Zorgambassade, and adviser to the board of EV Biotech. Until early 2022 he also served as the president of the dutch association for pharmaceutical medicine (NVFG)  

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