
Leoni Delsink | Portfolio Manager, Cooperative VGZ

Leoni Delsink is the Portfolio manager Health Impact Investing at the VGZ Voorop in Zorg fonds. She is responsible for selecting, monitoring and managing the fund’s portfolio of investments in young innovative Health companies. Prior to this, Leoni worked as Impact Manager at the Anton Jurgens Fonds, a venture philanthropy fund that supports initiatives that are aimed at vulnerable people in society. Being part of the investing team, she created clear impact strategies, to support the board of trustees to make substantiated decisions on which organizations to invest in, in order to maximize social impact. 

Cooperative VGZ 

Cooperative VGZ aims to actively contribute to future-proofing healthcare and become a leader in sustainable investment. The VGZ Voorop in Zorg fund embodies this ambition and has 60 million to invest in innovative companies that keep healthcare accessible and affordable, focusing on (pre)seed and early-stage companies active in Medtech, Healthtech, Digital Health Services, and data exchange.

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