I am driven by the idea of a sustainable, respectful and just society and I use the Sustainable Development Goals as my guiding stars. As I am fascinated by bringing science to impact for a positive change in our world, I would rather call myself a science accelerator. For that I am connecting dots, people, different scientific disciplines; always looking for the common ground on which we can build upon. After having worked across many different scientific disciplines in academic and industry settings, I am now a team leader at Wageningen Food Safety Research and a member of two Wageningen University and Research-wide program management teams on “Circular and Climate-Neutral Society” and “Food Security and Valuing Water”. Here, I can deploy my never-ending energy and enthusiasm as an inspirator, motivator and supporter of my team and program members. I am always on the lookout to set up meaningful collaborations that contribute to the idea of a sustainable, respectful and just society.