privacy policy

On this page you will find the privacy policy that Hyphen Projects BV, the publisher of, applies to the processing of personal data collected through this website and our event websites such as,, This privacy statement applies to the personal information that we collect from users on this website. The statement describes what information we collect, how we may use this information, with whom we may share it and how you can access, correct or delete your information.

Scope of this Policy

This policy applies to information we collect or use on all websites and applications that are owned or operated by Hyphen Projects BV. Hyphen Projects is not responsible for the privacy practices or dealing with your privacy by third parties with whom we work to offer you personalized services, and third party access to your data on our websites or in our applications.

Information we collect

Hyphen Projects collects and processes information about you when you use our website and/or attend our events and conferences. This can be information that you actively provide us with. This information is for example provided when you register for our event, or upload other content on this website. Hyphen Projects uses this information to send you information about our events and services. Your information is stored for a maximum of three years.

In addition, we may collect certain information by automated means (such as cookies), when you visit our website. This information includes IP address and browser characteristics.
A "cookie" is a file that websites send to a visitor's computer or other internet-connected device to uniquely identify the visitor's browser or to store information or settings in the browser. The cookies used on this website include:   

Strictly necessary cookies that are essential for access and navigation.   
Functional cookies that track usage and remember your choices.    
Analytics cookies that help to improve the performance of our website by collecting information about which pages visitors spend time on and visit the most. The information collected includes IP address, type of device, operating system, referring URLs, country information, date and time of page visit, and which pages you visited the most.    To opt out, you can visit    
Retargeting cookies that help to show ads on other pages that belong to the Google content network. These cookies are installed when you click on one of our ads and expire after 30 days and do not collect personal information.   
For more information and to opt out:  

For more information about cookies, visit   

We may record and/or photograph events for the purpose of promoting future events. In return for access to our events, you consent to any such filming, photography and/or live streaming and to Hyphen Projects in publishing your likeness and/or words in any transcript of or publication relating to the event and/or for the purposes of publicising the events of Hyphen Projects.

How we use your information

We may use the information we collect to:   

offer and deliver products, information and services to you (including newsletters);   
administer your participation in, and communicate with you about, our events and programs;    
operate, evaluate and improve our website and applications;    
perform data analyses and other processing activities;    
display content on our event websites, such as testimonials, photos and recordings. 

How we share your information

We do not share your contact information without your consent to third parties who wish to use your data for direct marketing purposes.

We share your information with third parties who perform services on our behalf and help us to deliver our products and services to you (e.g. our event app provider). These third parties may not use your information for other purposes.

We may use your information for example, to contact you about products or services offered by Hyphen Projects or its subsidiaries. If you give consent, we may share your information with partners and/or third parties whose products or services may be of interest to you. These third parties may contact you directly.

We may disclose your information if we are required to do so by law, regulation or legal process.

We may disclose your information and pass it to a third party who acquires Hyphen Projects. 

Access, Correction and Deletion

We store your data to make your interaction with our website efficient, practical and relevant.
We keep logs and non-personal information about your activities on our website. We also keep an archive copy of your data. It is not accessible by you or third parties on the Internet. If your personal information has been viewed by third parties through our website, we cannot delete you data from these third-party systems.
You can access your data and request to correct or delete them. Please send an email with your name and contact details to In your request, you should specify as much as possible which personal data is relevant to the request. In response to your request, we will inform you about the further course of the proceedings.

You can send an automated opt-out request for a specific e-mail address. Be aware that if you are registered in our database with more than one e-mail account, your opt-out request will only apply to the email account you opt-out from. If you believe that you have opted out, but you continue to receive newsletters from Hyphen Projects, please contact us via e-mail and we will take action to resolve the issue.
Hyphen Projects will react, in principle, within four weeks to a request for access or correction request. In case of a request for removal, Hyphen Projects will delete the personal data as soon as possible, except to the extent required by law to keep the personal data if there are (other) overriding that resist removal. If Hyphen Projects has not removed (part of) the personal data, Hyphen Projects will send you a message to explain why we could not (fully) comply with the request.

If Hyphen Projects cannot completely fix the personal concerns of a request for inspection, correction or deletion, Hyphen Projects can ask the visitor to specify his or her request. Hyphen Projects will suspend the execution of the request until the visitor has provided Hyphen Projects with (further) specification. 

Data Protection

We take safety measures to avoid the unauthorised access to personal data. Together with our service providers, Hyphen Projects maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to protect the personal information of our users. 

Other Information

Our website may unilaterally amend this privacy and cookie policy. We therefore advise you to read this policy regularly to check for any changes.This privacy and cookie policy was last changed on September 19th, 2023.

Contact Information

Hyphen Projects
Veerstraat 37
1211 HJ Hilversum
T: +31(0)35 623 0781

Hyphen Projects

Veerstraat 37

1211 HJ Hilversum

  +31(0)35 623 07 81


Chamber of Commerce: 32110979


© Copyright 2020 by Hyphen Projects