We help you get most out of your event

More than 15 years of experience in designing, developing & delivering successful events in Life Sciences

Our Service

Organising an event can be a daunting project, especially if your team does not have the right experience or enough time to do it well. Our company has more than 15 years of experience in creating and organising leading conferences, career events and courses for the Life Sciences sector, both face-to-face and online. We understand what it takes to make an event successful. Are you looking for a partner that can help you to translate your goals into an event format? Contact us to discuss the possibilities.

How we can help

You can call on us to take over the entire organisation of your meeting, but also to supplement your own project team with expertise in project management, logistics organisation, marketing and / or acquisition. Customisation is our starting point: for each assignment a service package is put together completely tailored to your wishes.

We can help you with:

  • Format and concept design
  • Project & logistics management
  • Website design and creation
  • Marketing and promotion
  • Financial management and invoicing
  • Delegate administration and communication
  • Programme and speakers support
  • Sales and exhibition handling

Your own event?

Are you planning your own event for the Life Sciences? Do you want help in organising this? Whether it's an in-person and face-to-face event, an online or a hybrid format, we can take this fully out of your hands or support where needed. Contact us to discuss the options.

Examples of events for customers

Dutch Medicines Days

On behalf of the FIGON, Hyphen Projects is helping with the organisation of the annual Dutch Medicines Days in 2023, 2024 and 2025.

CBG Collegedag

On behalf of the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board, Hyphen Projects has supported in the organisation of the annual CBG Collegedag in 2023 and 2024.

Leiden Bio Science Congress

On behalf of the LUMC and Janssen Campus Nederland, Hyphen Projects is organising in collaboration with Congress & Event Services the Leiden Bio Science Congress. The promotion of cooperation in the quadruple helix (business, education, government and patient) is central at this conference.

Finance for Growth

As a marketing partner, Hyphen Projects has been promoting and registering external participants in the VU Finance for Growth course since 2017, a unique course in which professionals gain insights into valuing and financing small and medium-sized companies in Life Sciences & Health.

Global Scale-up Programme

From 2017 to 2019, Hyphen Projects has been responsible for the operational affairs of the Global Scale-up Programme, organised in collaboration with Maastricht University and Health ~ Holland. The Global Scale-up Programme is a mentoring programme preparing life science companies for a successful international (product) launch.

Connect for Impact

On behalf of the members of the Noaber Network and Vital Health Software, Hyphen Projects helped organise the Connect for Impact conference in Ede in 2014. The conference was attended by approximately 200-300 participants.

Food Valley Expo

On behalf of the Food Valley Foundation, Hyphen Projects helped with the organisation of the annual Food Valley Expo (formerly Food Valley Conference) in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Health Valley Event

On behalf of the Health Valley Foundation, Hyphen Projects developed and organised the first edition of the Health Valley Event.

Lab Experience Days

Hyphen Projects developed and organised the Lab Experience Days on behalf of the C3 foundation and Human Capital Chemie. Hyphen Projects took care of, amongst other things, the coordination, after-sales and the implementation of the Lab Experience Days. In total Hyphen Projects organised ten Lab Experience Days in six different regions.

Hyphen Projects

Veerstraat 37

1211 HJ Hilversum

  +31(0)35 623 07 81


Chamber of Commerce: 32110979


© Copyright 2020 by Hyphen Projects