Martijn Manson graduated as a pharmacist at the University of Utrecht in 2010. From 2011-2015, he conducted his PhD studies in respiratory pharmacology at the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Sweden), focusing on the interplay between inflammation and structural cells of the lung through the use of advanced human ex-vivo models. Subsequently he conducted an industrial postdoc in molecular pharmacology within the Respiratory R&D division of AstraZeneca (Gothenburg, Sweden), dedicated to transcriptional regulation and nuclear receptor signaling.
In 2017 he was appointed at the Leiden Academic Centre of Drug Research (LACDR) to jointly develop with colleagues from the LUMC the new Master of Pharmacy in Leiden. As assistant professor he currently combines his teaching responsibilities with research. Since 2020, he has initiated, in collaboration with the hospital pharmacy of the LUMC, a research line dedicated to phenoconversion; the observed mismatch between genetically-predicted and phenotypically observed drug metabolizing capacities of individuals. His research interest lie in the interactions between genetic AND non-genetic factors (e.g. inflammation, drug-drug interactions) on drug metabolism. He employs experimental models and collaborates with experts within PBPK modeling and clinical pharmacologists for his research.