Treatment of Brain Tumors: New Windows of Opportunities

16 October 2024 | 14:15 - 15:45

One of the major causes of treatment failure of malignant brain tumors is attributable to the insufficient drug exposure to tumor tissue, due to the presence of the blood–brain barrier (BBB). While malignant brain tumors are known to disrupt the integrity of the BBB at the tumor core, but the tumor cells infiltrating the brain parenchyma are still protected by intact BBB. This indicates that it is essential to deliver anticancer drugs also towards the infiltrating tumor cells, across the BBB. What are the new windows of opportunities to significantly improve treatment of brain tumors?

Chairs: Elizabeth de Lange (LACDR), Dannis van Vuurden (PMC)

Speakers: Elizabeth de Lange (LACDR), Dannis van Vuurden (PMC), Alwin Huitema (PMC/AVL), Liska Scheffers (PMC)


Session Schedule

14:15 - 14:40Prof. dr. Elizabeth de Lange (LACDR) & Dr. Dannis van Vuurden (PMC): Predicting CNS drug concentrations to improve brain tumor exposure
14:40 - 15:30
Prof. dr. Alwin Huitema (PMC/AVL) & Liska Scheffers (PMC): Focused ultrasound (FUS) delivery in a diffuse midline glioma model
15:30 - 15:45Panel Discussion



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