About #100yearspharmafuture

2023 marks the 100th anniversary of medicines research and production in Oss. A milestone that we - Aspen Oss, MSD, Organon, Pivot Park and the municipality of Oss - celebrate together.

In the past century, the Oss region has delivered groundbreaking discoveries, such as insulin, and the contraceptive pill. This triggered the transformation of the Oss region into an international, innovative and entrepreneurial community for research, development and manufacturing of medicines.

Also towards the future, Oss wants to remain the cradle for innovative developments in global health, such as in biotech, oncology, women's health, vaccines and production technology.

The city of Oss offers many career and (lifelong) learning opportunities, through attractive educational and residential offers and from a dynamic city center to multifaceted cores in the vast countryside.

A variety of activities will take place during our anniversary year, including open days, exhibitions and outside activities, such as the escape route. For more information, please visit www.100yearspharmafuture.nl (Dutch).

Partners of 100YearsPharmaFuture



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